Monday, 7 December 2015

Deadly pedestrian bridges of the world

Deadly pedestrian bridges of the world

The Hussaini Hanging Bridge – Northern Pakistan

Located middle of glaciers, 100 meters above ground bridge is hanging above the Hunza River. this bridge is made of cables, ropes and wood and has been washed away due to 
weather conditions a few times also the bridge is partly in water when the waters flood.

Trift Suspension Bridge – Switzerland

This narrow bridge located in switzerland was built in 2004 so that the pedestrians could reach the Trift Hut of the Swiss Alpine Club. being 170 meters in length and 100 meters above ground this bridge is considered the longest and highest in the Swiss Alps.

Musou Tsuribashi – Japan

Located middle of nowhere it is Japan’s scariest suspension bridge which is accessed by climbing on a steep mountain with the help of series of chains attached to the stones.
the bridge is made of planks which are supported by thin cables.

Qeswachaka Bridge – Peru

Suspended above the Apurimac River, peru this bridge is  made from a local herb, known as Qoya and bound by eucalyptus trunks.

Perito Moreno Glacier Ice Bridge – Argentina

This natural ice bridge located in Argentina collapses every 1 to 5 years, you never know when the glacier will fall into the ocean

Puente de Ojuela – Mexico

Made from wood being  300 meters long it stretches over a deep desert canyon

Seven Mile Bridge – Florida

Being One of the longest bridges in the world, it connects Knights Key in the Middle Florida Keys to Little Duck Key in the Lower Florida Keys.

The Capilano Suspension Bridge – Canada

It is 140 meters long and 70 meters above the ground made of planks and cables Surrounded forest, known for curves and wraps around a cliff.

The Canopy Walk – Ghana

Suspended 100 feet over sea level,  it connects the tops of seven trees.

Glass bridge - China

This transparent walkway is 300 metres long and sits 180 metres above a valley in the Shiniuzhai National Geological Park in China’s Hunan province.


Ana, M. and Ana, M. (2014). Most Dangerous And Deadly Pedestrian Bridges In The World. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Dec. 2015].

Kim, S. (2015). Dare you cross China's new glass-bottomed suspension bridge?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Dec. 2015].

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